
ସାମନ୍ତ ଚନ୍ଦ୍ର ଶେଖର ସ୍ଵଯାଂଶାସିତ ମହାବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟର ବିଭିନ୍ନ ବିଭାଗ ସମୂହ

କ୍ରମିକ ସଂଖ୍ୟା. ନାମ ଶିକ୍ଷାଗତ ଯୋଗ୍ୟତା ପଦବୀ
1 ପ୍ରଫେସର (ଡ଼ଃ.) ମିହିର ପ୍ରସାଦ ମିଶ୍ର M.Sc. M.Phil. Ph.D. ଅଧକ୍ଷ୍ୟ
2 ଶୂନ୍ୟ ଉପାଧକ୍ଷ୍ୟ

Department of Anthropology
Serial No. Name Qualification Designation
1 Sri Pradipta Kumar Parida M.A., M.Phil. Junior Lecture & HOD
2 Miss Swagatika Sahoo M.Sc., NET. Guest Faculty
3 Miss Suchitra Jena M.Sc. Guest Faculty

Department of Botany
Serial No. Name Qualification Designation
1 Dr. Guru Charan Nayak, M.Sc. M.Phil. Ph.D. Asst. Professor(Stage-III )& HOD
2 Sri Chinmaya Kandi M.Sc. M.Phil. Asst. Professor (Stage-I)
3 Mrs.Nibedita Nayak M.Sc. M.Phil. Junior Lecturer
4 Mrs.Minati Desinayak M.Sc. M.Phil. . Junior Lecturer
5 Dr. Sandipana Mishra M.Sc. M.Phil.Ph.D. Lecturer (Adhoc)

Department of Chemistry
Serial No. Name Qualification Designation
1 Sri Akshaya Kumar Ojha, M.Sc Asst. Professor (Stage-II) & HOD
2 Dr. Anirudha Jena M.Sc, Ph.D., Asst. Professor (Stage-I)
3 Dr. Gayatree Barik M.Sc, M.Phil. Ph.D., Asst. Professor (Stage-I)
4 Dr. Sujata Rani Panda M.Sc, Ph.D., Asst. Professor (Stage-I)
5 Miss Panisha Nayak M.Sc Asst. Professor (Stage-I)
6 Sri Kanhu Charan Naik M.Sc, Ph.D Junior Lecturer

Department of Commerce
Serial No. Name Qualification Designation
1 Dr. Mahendra Kumar Mishra M.Com, M.Phil. Ph.D., Asst. Professor(Stage-III) & HOD
2 Dr (Mrs) Smruti Rekha Sahoo M.Com, Ph.D., Asst. Professor(Stage-I)
3 Dr. Pravat Sahoo M.Com, M.Phil, Ph.D., Asst. Professor(Stage-I)
4 Dr. Snigdha Suhagini M.Com, Ph.D., Asst. Professor(Stage-I)
5 Mrs Sobhana Tripathy M.Com, NET, Asst. Professor(Stage-I)
6 Dr. Amayeeka Moharana M.Com, M.Phil. Ph.D., Lecturer(SS)
7 Mr. Arupa Bramha Mohapatra M.Com, CMA Lecture(SS)
8 Mr. Satyanarayan Sahoo M.Com, M.Phil. Guest Faculty

Department of English
Serial No. Name Qualification Designation
1 Smt. Sasmita Pramanik M.A, PGCTE Asst. Professor(Stage-II) & HOD
2 Dr. Rabindra Kumar Pradhant M.A, M.Phil. Ph.D., Asst. Professor (Stage-III)
3 Dr. Deepsikha Routray M.A, M.Phil. MBA, Ph.D., Asst. Professor (Stage-I)
4 Dr. Upama Behera M.A, M.Phil. Ph.D., Asst. Professor (Stage-I)
5 Mr. Somanath Mohapatra M.A, Guest Faculty
6 Mrs. Ipsita Mohapatra M.A, M.Phil. Guest Faculty
7 Mrs. Subhashree Samantaray M.A, M.Phil. Guest Faculty
8 Mr. Subham Patwari M.A Guest Faculty
9 Miss.Sanghamitra Sahoo M.A, Guest Faculty

Department of Economics
Serial No. Name Qualification Designation
1 Dr. Rabeya Parvin M.A, Asst. Professor(Stage-III) HOD.
2 Dr. Sandeep Kumar Chand M.A, M.Phil. Ph.D., Asst. Professor(Stage-III)
3 Smt. Sovana Sahu (Adhoc) M.A, M.Phil. Junior Lecturer
4 Dr.Prasanna Kumar Barik M.A, M.Phil. Ph.D., Guest Faculty
5 Sri Dayasagar Pradhan M.A, B.Ed., Guest Faculty

Department of Education
Serial No. Name Qualification Designation
1 Dr. Rupali Aparajita Mohanty M.A,B.Ed. Ph.D. Asst. Professor (Stage-I) & HOD
2 Miss.Jahnabi Patra M.A, . Guest Faculty
3 Miss.Rihana Parween Begum M.A, M.Phil. Guest Faculty
4 Miss Prachi Prava Panda M.A, B.Ed. NET Guest Faculty
5 Miss Soumya Sree Acharya M.A, B.Ed Guest Faculty
6 Miss Pratyasha Swain M.A.,B.Ed, Guest Faculty
7 Miss Sarada Mishra M.A.,M.Phill, B.Ed,NET Guest Faculty

Department of Geography
Serial No. Name Qualification Designation
1 Dr. Mihir Prasad Mishra M.A, M.Phil. Ph.D., Professor (I/C Principal)
2 Sri Bailochan Behera M.A, M.Phil. Asst. Professor (Stage-I)
3 Mr.Amiya Ranjan Jagadev M.A, Guest Faculty.
4 Miss.Rutusmita Mishra M.A, Guest Faculty
5 Mr.Alok Kumar Pradhan M.A, Guest Faculty
6 Miss Sujata Baliarsingh M.A, M.Phil. Ph.D., Guest Faculty.

Department of Hindi
Serial No. Name Qualification Designation
1 Dr. Rabindra Kumar Pradhan M.A, M.Phill, Ph.D. Asst. Professor(Stage-III) & HOD
2 Dr. Balaram Mishra M.A, Ph.D., D.Litt. Contractual Fculty

Department of History
Serial No. Name Qualification Designation
1 Dr. Sangeeta Mishra M.A, M.Phil. Ph.D., PGDCA Asst. Professor (Stage-I) & HOD
2 Dr. Ajoy Kumar Sethi M.A, M.Phil. Ph.D., PGDCA Asst. Professor (Stage-I)
3 Sri Bapi Gochhayat M.A, Junior Lecturer
4 Sri Manoranjan Nayak M.A, M.Phil. LLB, Junior Lecturer
5 Miss.Lopamudra Samantaray M.A, M.Phil. Guest Faculty

Department of Mathematics
Serial No. Name Qualification Designation
1 Dr.Sachidananda Sahoo M.Sc, M.Phil. Ph.D., Asst. Professor (Stage-I) & HOD
2 Dr.Narmada Ranarahu M.Sc, M.Phil. Ph.D., Asst. Professor (Stage-I)
3 Dr.Bigyan Ranjan Rout M.Sc, M.Phil., M.Tech., Ph.D., Junior Lecturer
4 Dr. Suvendu Kumar Parida M.Sc, B.Ed. Ph.D., Asst. Professor (Stage -III) Deployed to Odia University
5 Miss Itishree Biswal M.Sc guest Faculty

Department of Odia
Serial No. Name Qualification Designation
1 Dr. Dillip Kumar Swain M.A, Ph.D., D.Litt. Asst. Professor(Stage-III) & HOD
2 Dr.Henerita Mishra M.A, M.Phil. Ph.D., Asst. Professor(Stage-I)
3 Dr. Suprava Sahoo M.A, Ph.D Asst. Professor(Stage-I)
4 Miss. Mamuni Marandi M.A, Ph.D Guest Faculty
5 Dr.Lalita Behera M.A, Ph.D., Guest Faculty
6 Miss. Jharana Sahoo M.A, NET Guest Faculty
7 Miss. Sibani Jena M.A, M.Phil. NET Guest Faculty

Department of Philosophy
Serial No. Name Qualification Designation
1 Smt Swarnaprava Biswal M.A, Lecture (SS) & HOD
2 Sri Biswanath Senapati M.A, Contactual Faculty
3 Mr.Sonu Pradhan M.A, Guest Faculty
4 Miss.Sudeshna Dash Mohapatra M.A, Guest Faculty

Department of Political Science
Serial No. Name Qualification Designation
1 Dr. Pramod Kumar Tripathy M.A, M.Phil., Ph.D Asst. Professor(Stage-III) & HOD
2 Dr. Namita Mohanty M.A, M.Phil. Ph.D., Asst. Professor(Stage-III)
3 Dr. Madhusmita Jena M.A, M.Phil. Ph.D., Asst. Professor(Stage-I)
4 Dr. Puspanjali Mallick M.A, M.Phil. Ph.D., Asst. Professor(Stage-I)
5 Dr. Suchismita Panda M.A,M.Phil, Ph.D Lecture(SS)

Department of Psychology
Serial No. Name Qualification Designation
1 Sri Goutam Sethi M.A, M.Phil. Asst. Professor (Stage-II) & HOD
2 Dr. Ashok Kumar M.A, Ph.D., Asst. Professor (Stage-I)
3 Dr. Vanishree Panda M.A, M.Phil. Ph.D., Lecturer(Adhoc)
4 Mrs.Bharati Krishna Mohapatra M.A, Guest Faculty

Department of Physics
Serial No. Name Qualification Designation
1 Dr. Gouri Shankar Mallik M.Sc, Ph.D., Asso. Professor & HOD
2 Dr. Chittaranjan Dwivedy M.Sc, Ph.D., Asst. Professor(Stage-III)
3 Smt V. Sarada M.Sc, M.Phil. Asst. Professor(Stage-II)
4 Dr Pratap Behera M.Sc, Ph.D., Asst. Professor(Stage-I)
5 Mr.Biswajit Behera M.Sc, M.Phil. Junior Lecturer

Department of Sanskrit
Serial No. Name Qualification Designation
1 Mrs. Indira Panda M.A(Acharya), M.Phil. Lecturer(SS) & HOD
2 Miss Jubuli Sarangi M.A(Acharya), NET Guest Faculty

Department of Sociology
Serial No. Name Qualification Designation
1 Dr. Bijaya Kumar Sahoo M.A, M.Phil., Ph.D. Asst Professor(Stage-I) & HOD
2 Sri Pradipta Kumar Parida M.A, M.Phil. Junior Lecturer
3 Mr. Dhananjay Nayak M.A, NET. Guest Faculty

Department of Zoology
Serial No. Name Qualification Designation
1 Mrs. Sunandini Pani M.Sc., M.Phill. Asst. Professor(Stage-III) & HOD
2 Dr. Debadas Sahoo M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. Asst. Professor(Stage-III)
3 Dr. Pallavi Mishra M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. Asst. Professor (Stage-I)
4 Mr. Manamohan Polei M.Sc., M.Phil, B.Ed Asst. Professor (Stage-I)
5 Dr.Maminee Panda M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. Junior Lecturer

Department of Computer Science
Serial No. Name Qualification Designation
1 Dr. Bigyan Ranjan Rout M.Sc., M.Phill, M.Tech, Ph.D Junior Lecture & HOD
2 Mrs.Bhagyalaxmi Tripathy M.Sc., Guest Faculty
3 Mrs.Anima Mohanty M.Sc., Guest Faculty
4 Miss Pritiparna Mishra M.Sc., Guest Faculty

Department of Environmental Science(EVS)
Serial No. Name Qualification Designation
1 Dr. Subhashree Dalai M.Sc.,M.Phil,Ph.D Asst.Professor(Stage-I) & HOD

Department of Business Administration
Serial No. Name Qualification Designation
1 Dr. Satya Prakash Mishra M.Com., Ph.d Contractual Faculty & HOD
2 Mrs. Bijayalaxmi Bhol MBA Contractual Faculty
3 Dr. Abhishek Satapathy MBA, M.Com, Ph.D Contractual Faculty
4 Mr. Siba Prasanna Pattanaik MBA Contractual Faculty
5 Mr. Priyamohan Jena MSc. MTech. Contractual Faculty
6 Smt. Soumya Mohanty M.BA Contractual Faculty
7 Smt. madhusmita Das M.Com, M.Phil, M.BA Contractual Faculty
8 Mr. Bishnu Prasad Samantaray M.Com, M.Phil. Contractual Faculty
9 Mr. Santosh Kumar Lenka M.BA Contractual Faculty
10 Mr.Suvendu Das M.BA Contractual Faculty
11 Mr. Prasanna Kumar Mohanty M.BA Contractual Faculty
12 Mrs. Madhabika Dash M.BA Contractual Faculty

Serial No. Name Qualification Designation
1 Dr Subashis Nanda M.A., B.Ed. , PGDTE, M.Phil., Ph.D Asst. Professor(Stage-I) & HOD
2 Dr. Bidyut Prava Nayak M.Sc., B.Ed. , Ph.D Asst. Professor(Stage-I)
3 Dr. Girish Chandra Behera M.A., B.Ed. Asst. Professor(Stage-I)
4 Mrs. Sujata Biswal M.A., B.Ed. , M.Phil., Asst. Professor(Stage-I)
5 Dr. Rupali Aparajita Mohanty M.A., B.Ed. , Ph.D Asst. Professor(Stage-I)
6 Dr. Snigdha Mishra M.A., B.Ed. , M.Phil., Ph.D Asst. Professor(Stage-I)
7 Dr. Sumanta Kumar Panda M.A., B.Ed. , M.Phil., Ph.D Asst. Professor(Stage-I)
8 Mr. Manoj Kumar Rout M.A., B.Ed. , M.Phil., Asst. Professor(Stage-I)
9 Dr. Snehalata Pradhan M.Sc., B.Ed. , M.Phil., Ph.D Asst. Professor(Stage-I)
10 Mrs.Sanghamitra Panigrahi M.A., B.Ed. , M.Phil., Contractual Faculty
11 Mr. Ashok Kumar Nayak M.A., B.Ed. Contractual Faculty
12 Mr.Damodar Mahapatra M.Sc., M.Ed. , NET Contractual Faculty
13 Vacant
14 Vacant
15 Vacant
16 Vacant
17 Vacant

Department of Geology
Serial No. Name Qualification Designation
1 Dr. Debadas Sahoo M.Sc., M.Phil. Ph.D GAsst. Professor(Stage-III) & HOD
2 Mr.Uttam Kumar Mansingh M.Sc. Guest Faculty
3 Dr. Satyabrat Sahoo M.Sc., M.Phil. Ph.D Guest Faculty

Department of Statistics
Serial No. Name Qualification Designation
1 Dr. Narmada Ranarahu M.Sc.M.Phil, Ph.D Asst. Professor(Stage-I) & HOD
2 Mr.Chandra sekhar Jana M.Sc. Guest Faculty
3 Miss Smruti Rekha Sahoo M.Sc. Guest Faculty